Tuesdays with Dorie: Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes

October 28, 2008 at 4:56 am | Posted in cupcakes, groups, sweet things, tuesdays with dorie | 38 Comments

chocolate-chocolate cupcakes

Growing up, Halloween was totally my favorite holiday (or sort-of holiday, really).  I was like Linus, waiting all year for the Great Pumpkin to appear.  I went trick-or-treating long after I really should have stopped…until I was 16!  Every year, when I would get home with my loot, I’d go immediately to my bedroom, tip the contents of my plastic pumpkin onto the floor and form a sort of crude candy hierarchy out of it.  Things like raisins, Raisinets, Chunky Bars and Good ‘N Plenty went immediately to my parents.  Then the chocolate bars were divided into order of preference– Kit Kats, Twix, Charleston Chew and Reese’s were at the top of the heap.  From the “other” category, I was a special fan of rootbeer Dum Dums and Now and Laters.  I wouldn’t gorge on the candy, but it eat it slowly and methodically over the month of November…the whole process seems quite demented now that I think about it. 

When Clara of I Heart Food4Thought asked us to put a costume on the Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes she’d chosen for TWD, I was happy to get in the spirit of things, so to speak.  I was chin-deep in packing materials when I made these, however, so I didn’t have too much time for creativity– thank goodness for colored sprinkles! 

If you have Dorie’s book, you may notice that my cupcakes don’t look quite the same as hers, and it’s not just that mine are crawling with spiders!  I finally polished off a bag of white chocolate pistoles, that had been my life’s mission to use up before I left Sydney, by making white chocolate frosting instead of dark. (That accomplished, I’ll now have to find a new, and hopefully less frivolous, life’s mission.)  I didn’t actually measure the powdered sugar in the frosting recipe…just kept adding until it was spreadable.

chocolate-chocolate cupcakes

These were good…nothing life-altering, buy hey, they’re just simple chocolate cupcakes after all.  I’d make them again, though, for sure.  Do test them early, as there were several reports of dry cupcakes in the TWD group…I pulled mine from the oven about two minutes before the recommended time, and they were just fine.  For the recipe, look in Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan, or read CB’s post.  Don’t forget to check out the TWD Blogroll to see what over 250 other people had to say!  Happy Halloween!!


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  1. I did the same thing with my candy! Well the sorting part… I probably downed it all a lot sooner! The cupcakes look so cute!

    I wanted to send a special THANK YOU for the awesome goodies! I adore those liners. I can’t wait to use them but I’m also hesitant because they’re just so dang adorable I don’t want them to ever go away! LOL The sugar candies are so sweet too. Thanks again. I’m glad you like the pie dish. I hope it works out for you. Sorry for the not-so-pretty packaging. I was at work and had limited options! Take care and welcome back!

  2. Cute! I love your little artsy decor as well as the cupcakes! 🙂 I was the same way with my candy. I can’t believe my parents let me take it in my room and just eat it when I wanted!

  3. Your cupcakes look perfectly scary… Love the decor and the photos are fabulous. Thanks for baking with me this week!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  4. Great decorating job! =) Halloween is very popular around here. Brianna has changed her mind a couple times about what she wants to be, but finally settled on Sleeping Beauty. Congrats on finishing off the white chocolate. =)

  5. I too love Halloween – such a fun holiday!!

    Glad the cupcakes were good!! 🙂

  6. Hi these look delicious and cute 🙂 Good thing you enjoyed trick or treating long nowadays children seem to be alreeady grownups.

  7. Yay, pleased to see you still posted on my Tuesday morning! Hope that the move went well. I love the sprinkles on your cupcakes!

  8. It’s funny – I’ve never been *that* excited over Halloween, but this year I seriously can’t wait! Maybe it’s the influence of the very excitable food blogging community, haha.
    Love your photos – there’s nothing like chocolate cupcakes!

  9. These look so nice and festive! The white chocolate frosting sounds delicious. Hope you have a Happy Halloween and that you’re adjusting to life back in New York!

  10. very cute! 🙂 they look great w/ the white chocolate glaze… can’t go wrong with that 🙂 have a lovely halloween!

  11. I did the same thing with the sorting of the candy. The first things devoured were the kit-kats, twix, milky ways, and reeses. The ones tossed to the side were butterfingers (hate them), hershey kisses (boring), raisins (what kid ate them?!) and the simple hershey milk chocolate bars. I’d bring them to school and eat them for lunch 🙂 Not the most healthy, but hey who cared? I like your cupcakes. I was going to make them, but they seemed kind of boring and blah. Nothing too earth shattering, you know?

  12. Oh, Now & Laters are a favorite with me too! These are just too cute!

  13. I love how you decorated! The photo is awesome!

  14. Welcome back home and you are amazing! Fancy organizing a post before you left Oz. Your cupcakes look delicious.

  15. I love the white chocolate frosting – looks delicious. Hope the packing is nearly over.

  16. Yay the first to comment! LOL These look absolutely awesome! LOVE what you did with them 🙂 I thought these cupcakes were really good, I didn’t alter anything other than reducing the baking time so they didn’t dry out. VERY tasty. I’ve added you to my blogroll!

  17. Oh…yours are gorgeous.

    You know, I did the same thing with my candy at Halloween.

    Then my sister and I would trade our “unwanteds”.

  18. You used a plastic pumpkin and not a pillowcase when trick or treating? Pillowcase holds so much more candy! LOL your cupcakes look delicious and I love the purple background!

  19. I always love the way you present your goodies each week, from the actual treat, to the photo, to the scripts and additions that you make! And I love the white chocolate frosting that you made!

  20. vraiment super beau 🙂

  21. Gorgeous cupcakes! I bet the white chocolate frosting was amazing!

  22. So cute, I love the purple background!

  23. Very, very cute Steph!
    Thanks for sharing your Halloween memories!

  24. I love the photo! SO creepy yet delicious!! The cupcakes look yummy and perfect for Halloween!

  25. We used the same sprinkles! Great job. They look perfect. 🙂

  26. Great Halloween memories. I remember those plastic pumpkins – you’d almost slit your wrists reaching into the sharp opening, but you didn’t care as long as you grabbed something good. Congrats on achieving your life’s mission. I can relate. Nice job.

  27. I agree, they are indeed simple chocolate cupcakes! But they are still yummy in my tummy! I love the Halloween sprinkles and white frosting. Nice job! Happy Halloween!

  28. I love all the background pictures..and your cupcakes look great. I did spider webs on mine..and was so happy this recipe stretched my artist abilities!!

  29. So cute! I love the liners you used!

  30. Oh yes – you’ve brought back some fun halloween memories! I used to do the same thing with my candy and was always so sad when all the tier one chocolate was gone.

    Gorgeous photos and I love the fun you had with them!

  31. The white chocolate frosting looks so delicious! I had very dry cupcakes, so I am enjoying seeing all the success other had and living vicariously while consuming no additional calories. Welcome back to the U.S. I hope you had a nice visit in Seattle. I should have invited you over to help me with my cupcakes while you were in town.

  32. Every body I know ALWAYS divided their candy into “yes, i want that” and “no, this is ucky” piles. Home made costumes. Gypsies, Demons, and witches. Now its cinderella, hannah montana, and the scariest one = a presidential candidate. OOHHH!!! SCARY!!! NIce job on the cups. Look yummy!!!

  33. Your cupcakes look perfect! And I share in your candy pecking order.

  34. It’s the only night I let my kids eat all the candy they want until their tummies hurt so it’s their favorite holiday! Hope your trip back to the US went well. Your cupcakes look fabulous, as usual, especially with the white chocolate icing.

  35. You have such great photos and creative bits…always fun to stop by and see what’s up with your blog…great job. I used sprinkles, too…going the extra mile for me…LOL.

  36. Steph these look phenomenal! I love that you turned a plain chocolate cupcake recipe into such a fun Halloween treat.

  37. Great pics! I love the purple background, perfect for Halloween! 🙂

  38. This cupcake looks delicious.
    Visit my new blog: Chocorango.


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