Tuesdays with Dorie BWD: Strawberry-Rhubarb Squares

June 11, 2024 at 9:41 pm | Posted in breakfast things, BWD, cakes & tortes, groups, simple cakes, sweet things, tuesdays with dorie | 11 Comments
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strawberry-rhubarb squares

It’s fun to visit my Saturday farmers’ market this time of year. After a gloomy few months of root veggies and winter squash, finally there is green stuff…and even some red stuff, too! These Strawberry-Rhubarb Squares have a soft honey-kissed buttermilk cake base, topped with a layer of early summer “red stuff” that turns jammy when baked. It’s delightfully simple and not too sweet– a perfect breakfast cake, snack cake or dessert cake. I made a half recipe in a loaf pan, so rather than using my stand mixer, I just put the batter together by hand. This was my first summery bake of the season, and it was a good one.

If you don’t have the book Baking with Dorie: Sweet, Salty & Simple by Dorie Greenspan yet, get it and join us as we bake through it every second and fourth Tuesdays! Don’t forget to check out the rest of the TWD Blogroll and all the other participation deets over on Tuesdays with Dorie!


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  1. I am up for a jammy red topping – this looks great.

  2. Divine! Strawberries and rhubarb are everywhere here right now too, and they are being used with gusto!

  3. This is so pretty, and I love the height you got on your cake, I made a note in my book on the calculations you used making a smaller version. Yes, farm markets are so much more colorful now. 🙂

    • thanks- i baked the half recipe in my 8.5×4.5 loaf, so i think it did have a little extra height compared to a full sizer, given pan volume math.

      • Thanks, Steph, I noted it in my book as the smaller size always works best for us these days

  4. Your first summer bake turned out great.

  5. Your first summer bake looks beautiful and a great way to kick off the season! I am always surprised to read that you..and many others don’t have strawberries all the time …here in California, I feel like we have them year round in the store but also at the strawberry fields. I find that so interesting what is and isn’t available in different areas. Having only lived here, I haven’t experienced different states other than traveling haha.

    • i can get them at the store all year, but they are not from around here and are mostly hard and white inside- boo. at the farmers market the local ones come around early summer, so i suck it up and wait for them. CA is definitely the produce paradise of the US!

  6. Looks delicious! Our local strawberry season (SoCal) has already ended, so I used different fruits. I also froze several pieces and reheated them in the toaster oven. They tasted even better than the fresh cake.

  7. How lovely! Your photos are always so wonderful. I love the wood serving tray.

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