Tuesdays with Dorie BCM: Honey-Nut Nougat

December 24, 2019 at 8:42 am | Posted in BCM, candy, groups, sweet things, tuesdays with dorie | 8 Comments
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honey-nut nougat

Happy holidays! Is Christmas Eve too late to show you a fabulous edible, homemade gift idea? I admit that I am one of those last minute types, but I really think it isn’t too late, as this Honey-Nut Nougat can be ready to cut up in a just couple of hours (provided you have a candy thermometer and an abundance of nuts in your pantry). And anyway, we still have plenty of party-time ahead of us. This isn’t difficult to make, but the instructions are lengthy, and since you’ll be dealing with a hot sugar syrup, it’s advisable to read them all the way first. Trust me, I would almost never say that, as I would almost never do that, but here it’s important, because timing is everything in candy-making.

You can find nougat in every Italian deli/specialty shop year-round, but the nice thing about making it yourself, aside from the freshness and the fun, is getting to choose exactly what goes into it. Dorie’s recipe uses heaps of roasted nuts, so I went for a combo of hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios, along with tart dried cherries. Nougat is traditionally formed between sheets of edible rice/wafer paper to help with the stickiness, but you can use cornstarch and powdered sugar instead. I actually had the rice paper, which I bought the last time I was in Australia (now that I write that down, it seems like a weird souvenier)…you can also get it online and in decorating supply stores.

This is delicious–chewy and full of nuts and honey flavor–and it lasts for a few weeks, so if you don’t take it to a holiday party, you can just cut off little hunks as you want them. Which will probably be often.

For the recipe, see Baking Chez Moi by Dorie Greenspan. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the TWD Blogroll!


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  1. Yours looks chock full of all the good stuff! 😋 happy holidays! xx

    On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 8:44 AM a whisk and a spoon wrote:

    > steph (whisk/spoon) posted: ” Happy holidays! Is Christmas Eve too late to > show you a fabulous edible, homemade gift idea? I admit that I am one of > those last minute types, but I really think it isn’t too late, as this > Honey-Nut Nougat can be ready to cut up in a just couple of ho” >

  2. Your nougat makes me want to grab a piece of mine. It’s so good!

  3. I love that you bought that as a souvenir haha!! Great job on yours…think I did something wrong on mine since they were harder than I would have expected.

  4. Your nougat looks great. Rice paper is an unusual souvenir, but it has come in handy now.

  5. Yours is SO perfect! How did you cut it without the paper shattering?

    • i also thought the paper might shatter, but it just didn’t. have cut it with both a serrated and a straight edge knife and it’s behaved. haha

  6. Merry Christmas to our fearless leader. I enjoy baking with you all.

  7. It looks perfect! I wouldn’t know about it lasting for a few weeks…..my batch was gone in just a few days it was so good.

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