Everyday Dorie: Lettuce Soup

April 10, 2020 at 11:30 am | Posted in cook the book fridays, everyday dorie, groups, savory things, soups, veggies | 10 Comments
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lettuce soup

This month for Cook the Book Fridays we’re using what we have and making anything we’d like/are able to from Everyday Dorie. I do my absolute best even in “normal” times to not throw out food and, at one point many months ago, had made mental note of a recipe for Lettuce Soup in the book. I thought it would be a good way to repurpose some limp leaves if need be. Fast forward to now and, with limited trips to the grocery store, I bought a three-pack of romaine hearts. By the time I got down to the last of the three, it looked more ready for lettuce soup than for salad!

I did have to make a few “use what ya have” mods to my batch of soup. The recipe uses three types of onion: regular, shallot and scallion. I just went with a bit more yellow onion in the base and cut up some chives to garnish it before serving. I could tell, given the ingredient list, that this would be a thin soup, one that my husband would not have found substantial enough for dinner. I had one lonely medium-size potato on the counter so I diced it and added it to the pot when the broth went in to simmer. The cooked potato acted as a thickener when I blended the final soup later. Dorie also calls for two types of lettuce…I had the romaine, but not the butter lettuce. I did have a little spinach, though, and I threw in just a handful, which had the added benefit of boosting the green color.

A little goat cheese, some garlic oil and those chives dressed up my lettuce soup, along with tapenade toasts on the side. It was a good dinner and a satisfying way to use things that needed using. For the recipe, see Everyday Dorie by Dorie Greenspan, and head over to Cook the Book Fridays to see what everyone else made this week.



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  1. Wow!, that looks so good. Who knew limp lettuce could turn into something so edible. I can’t wait to try that especially with goat cheese which I love. Stay safe!

  2. The idea of repurposing the wilting greens to make a soup is appealing. With a recipe like this, I won’t mind getting some extra lettuce. The green color is amazing!

  3. I remember seeing a recipe for lettuce soup years ago and thinking it would perfect, for exactly the same reasons (usually one straggler left that is not prime for salad). Didn’t realize it is in our book so I’m happy to have the chance to try it. Have to laugh though because with the COVID menus I have never been better at NOT WASTING food. Silver lining ?? Great job adding that potato too…I have to remember that. Stay safe !

  4. Picture perfect Lettuce Soup! Makes me want to try it. This one sounds weird, I eat lettuce in salad haha but I am willing to try. I love how resourceful you were…how we all are turning out to be. Stay safe!

  5. Yum, goat cheese. I will keep this one in mind when my lettuce goes bad which it has. I love the addition of spinach for the green touch.

  6. That was impressive, the way you blended all those ingredients on hand to put together a tasty meal that would satisfy the both of you. The soup does look beautiful and it’s nice to remember that we can thank the addition of spinach for that. I am trying so hard not to toss anything away now and making use of all the food I have on hand. I have no freezer room left and I also am not sharing my food, as usual, during this time. Soooo that meant I am eating an entire Leg of Lamb this week – my recipe choice for CtBF. Tomorrow I am making an Easter frittata with leftover beans, potatoes and lamb. Then I am declaring myself Done, Enough and will have to toss the few slices remaining. (Don’t tell anyone.)

  7. I never heard of Lettuce soup, sounds really tasty! Hope you had a lovely weekend, happy Easter!

  8. I have a lettuce soup on my blog too – can’t wait to try this one! I also have some romaine looking for a home these days too!

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